Friday, August 28, 2009

Quick Tip - Start an MText List with a Number or Alphabet of Your Choice

Last week I came across one of our designers using this nice trick and thought I would share it with you people. If you want to start a list inside MText window with a number or alphabet of your choice, try the following steps.
  1. Type the number or alphabet followed by a period (dot) symbol.
  2. Press the tab button after the period symbol
  3. Type the content of the first line (optional) and press enter key.

That's it. Now you will find the list starting with the number or alphabet you typed over there. Shown below is a sample list created using the above steps.

In addition to that, a little research on the subject helped me to prefix the list numbers with a custom text, as shown in the image below.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Quick Tip - Generating a Drawing List from Different Folders Using Windows Command Prompt

Most you might already know that typing DIR *.dwg /B > ListFileName in the windows command prompt will provide you with a quick list of drawings in the specific location. What if you want to create a list with drawings from multiple folders? It's a really simple task. See the following sample to get to know the syntax.

DIR D:\Proj_Dir\Disc-1\*.dwg D:\Proj_Dir\Disc-2\*.dwg D:\Proj_Dir\Disc-3\*.dwg /B > D:\Proj_Dir\Dwg_List.txt

As you can see, the paths are seperated by a space. Remember that the /B switch is still required to get the bare format file names. The above command will list all the drawing file names in the folders Disc-1, Disc-2 and Disc-3 to the Dwg_List.txt file. To access windows command prompt, either type CMD in the run prompt or locate it via Start--> All Programs --> Accessories --> Command Prompt.